Zaraštanje hrskavice i subhondralnog koštanog tkiva nakon trohleoplastike u psa.


Trochleoplasty or sulcoplasty has always played a prominent role in the radical methods of sanation of patellar dislocation. The results of 20 operated dogs were considered. Two groups of experimental animals were operated on, one by rescission trochleoplasty and the second by abrasive trochleoplasty. Clinical, radiological, pathomorphological and histological findings were studied. Although rescission trochleoplasty produces a physiologically closer result to the preoperative cartilage, abrasive trochleoplasty is a much simpler technique to perform and is biomechanically a more efficient method in conceiving the stability of the stifle joint in the radical treatment of patella ectopy.Među metodama radikalne sanacije dislokacije patele, trohleoplastika je uvijek zauzimala istaknuto mjesto. U obzir su uzeti rezultati 20 operiranih pasa. Operirane su dvije skupine eksperimentalnih pasa: skupina A abrazijskom trohleoplastikom, a skupina B resekcijskom. Proučeni su klinički, radiološki, patomorfološki i histološki nalazi. Iako resekcijska trohleoplastika daje rezultat bliži preoperativnoj zglobnoj hrskavici, abrazijska trohleoplastika je znatno jednostavnija metoda, a biomehanički zadovoljava stabilnošću koljena nakon radikalne sanacije ektopije patele

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