
Glukozinolati su jedinstvena i važna skupina sekundarnih metabolita u nekim vrstama biljaka. Ubrajaju se u specifičnu skupinu kemijskih spojeva tzv. \u27fitokemikalija\u27 koja je zastupljena u 16 botaničkih porodica reda Capparales. Za prehranu ljudi najznačajnija je porodica Brassicaceae u koju se ubrajaju kupus, brokula, cvjetača, prokulice, roktvica, repa, gorušica. U ovom radu obuhvatiti će se svi parametri koji vladaju u različitim stadijima od uzgoja do prerade povrća iz porodice Brassicaceae, na biodostupnost glukozinolata i njihovih razgradnih produkata, i na zdravlje ljudi. Glukozinolati su kemijski stabilni sve dok ne dođu u kontakt s enzimom mirozinazom (β-tioglukozid glukohidrolaza; EC Hidroliziraju se u niz biološki aktivnih tvari (izoticijanati, indol-3-karbinol). Osim što se konzumira svježe, povrće se vrlo često procesira, te ovisno o uvjetima prerade, prisutni glukozinolati se mogu razgraditi što može imati za posljedicu promjenu njihove biološke aktivnosti. Mnogobrojna epidemiološka istraživanja dokazala su i potvrdila pozitivan učinak konzumiranja povrća iz porodice Brassicaceae, a time i unosa glukozinolata u ljudski organizam. U radu će biti obrađen mehanizam njihovog pozitivnog djelovanja (antifungalno, antibakterijsko, antioksidativno, antimutageno, antikancerogeno djelovanje). Osim što imaju pozitivan učinak u ljudskom organizmu, glukozinolati i njihovi razgradni produkti mogu imati i antinutritivni učinak, što je također potrebno uzeti u obzir, međutim, potrebno je provesti još istraživanja u tom smjeru.Glucosinolates are unique group of secondary plant metabolites. They are specific chemical compounds i.e. phytochemicals occurring in about 16 botanical families of the order Capparales. For the human diet, the most important are representatives of the Brassicaceae like cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, radish, mustard. In this review, we will elaborate all the relevant steps in the food supply chain of Brassica vegetables and their influence on intake and bioavailability of glucosinolates and bioactive breakdown products in relation to human health. Plants possessing glucosinolates also contain an enzyme, myrosinase (β-thioglucoside glucohydrolase; EC When glucosinolates and myrosinase come in contact with each other in the presence of water, the enzyme immediately causes the hydrolysis of the glucosinolates. Those breakdown products of glucosinolates are also biologically active. Except consuming fresh, vegetables are often processed. Depending on conditions during processing, degradation of glucosinolates can occur resulting in change of their bioavailability and biological activity. Numerous epidemiological studies have proven positive influence of consumption of Brassica vegetables on human health. Glucosinolates and their enzymatic hydrolysis products have the potentially beneficial activities as antioxidants, antifungal, antibacterial, bioherbicidal, biopesticidal, antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic agents. Next to their positive effect on human health, the antinutritional effects and the possible toxicity of glucosinolates were also observed. Those effects should also be taken in account and there is a need for further investigation of these effects

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