
Emisije plinova iz vozila glavni su uzrok zagađenosti zraka u modernim gradovima. Sve veći broj osobnih automobila, posebno u zadnjem desetljeću, doveo je do složenih prometnih teškoća i ozbiljnog povećanja potrošnje goriva i emisija plinova. Cilj je razviti napravu koja će smanjiti štetne sastojke u ispušnim pliovima iz vozila prije njihova ispuštanja u atmosferu. VERU (Vehicle Emissions Reduction Unit = naprava za smanjenje emisija) je upotrebljavan za upijanje određenih količina ugljičnog dioksida, ugljičnog monoksida i ugljikovodika koji bi inače završili u atmosferi. VERU se sastoji od metalne cijevi i smjese načinjene od gline, soda vapna i vode, oblikovane u kuglice koje se zatim suše na suncu. Suhe kuglice namjeste se u cijev koja se pričvrsti na kraj ispušne cijevi vozila. Rezultati ispitivanja VERU naprave pokazuju smanjenje ugljičnog dioksida za 60 %, ugljičnog monoksida za 73 % i ugljikovodika za 80 %, dok je količina kisika veća 150 %. Stoga je zaključeno da bi VERU mogao smanjiti emisije plinova iz vozila i iz tog se razloga preporuča njegova uporaba.Vehicle emissions constitute the main source of atmospheric pollution in modern cities. The increasing number of passenger cars, especially during the last decade, has resulted in composite traffic problems with serious consequences on emissions and fuel consumption. The main focus is on the development of a unit to reduce the constituents of vehicle emissions before they get into the atmosphere. The Vehicle Emissions Reduction Unit (VERU) was used to absorb certain percentages of carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and hydrocarbons (HC) which would have been emitted into the atmosphere. The VERU consists of a canister and specimen prepared by mixing clay with soda lime and water and rolled into balls which were then sun dried. The sun dried specimen were placed in the canister and applied at the tail end of exhaust pipes of vehicles. The results of the tests carried out using VERU showed that CO2 was reduced by 60%, CO by 73%, HC by 80%, while O2 was increased by 150%. It was concluded that the use of VERU could reduce vehicle emissions and is therefore recommended for use

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