Mezencefalni oblik meningoencefalitis a u bolesnice s HL A-B51 beh cetovom bolešću: prikaz slučaja


This case report is a detailed description of the clinical, laboratory, imaging and therapeutic characteristics of the sixth patient with neuro-Behcet’s disease reported by Bulgarian authors. The diagnosis was made in accordance with the international diagnostic criteria for Behcet’s disease and was verified by skin biopsy. Therapeutic response was followed up by clinical and magnetic resonance imaging data for 6 months. Discussed are differences in the classical Behcet’s disease presentation and other neuro-Behcet’s disease cases found in Bulgaria. The current case supports the wide clinical heterogeneity of the disorder and the variety of therapeutic options.U ovom prikazu slučaja daje se iscrpan opis kliničkih, laboratorijskih, slikovno prikaznih i terapijskih značajka šestog bolesnika s neuro-Behcetovom bolešću o kojem izvješćuju bugarski autori. Dijagnoza je postavljena na osnovi međunarodnih dijagnostičkih kriterija za Behcetovu bolest i potvrđena biopsijom kože. Odgovor na terapiju pratio se kliničkim podacima i nalazima magnetske rezonancije kroz 6 mjeseci. Raspravlja se o razlikama u manifestiranju klasične Behcetove bolesti i drugim slučajevima neuro-Behcetove bolesti u Bugarskoj. Prikazani slučaj govori u prilog velike heterogenosti ove bolesti te o potrebi vrlo raznovrsnih terapijskih pristupa

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