Surgical treatment of malignant head and neck skin tumors


Regija glave i vrata najčešća je lokalizacija malignih tumora kože. Među malignim tumorima prevladavaju tzv. nemelanomski tumori (bazeocelularni i planocelularni karcinom) te melanom. Kirurgija je dominantan način liječenja s najvećom stopom izlječenja. Kirurškom ekscizijom resecira se tumor s adekvatnim rubom zdravog tkiva čija zahtijevana debljina varira ovisno o tipu tumora. Budući da se regija glave i vrata sastoji od većeg broja estetskih jedinica, važno ih je poštovati pri kirurškom liječenju, da se ne naruši izgled i funkcija. Mogućnosti rekonstrukcije defekta nastalog ekscizijom tumora su brojne. Cilj je ovog članka istaknuti važnost kirurškog liječenja malignih tumora kože te specifičnosti regije glave i vrata, kao i dati uvid u različite tehnike ekscizije i rekonstrukcije.Head and neck region is the most common site of malignant skin tumors. The predominant tumors among malignant tumors are the non-melanoma tumors (basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma) and melanoma. Surgery is the dominant mode of treatment with the highest cure rate. The tumor is resected by surgical excision which includes an adequate rim of healthy tissue, the thickness of which varies depending on the type of tumor. As the head and neck region consists of a number of important aesthetic units it is important to respect them and not violate their appearance and function. The possibility of reconstructing defects resulting from excision of the tumor is numerous. The aim of this paper is to emphasize the importance of surgical treatment of malignant skin tumors and specificities of the head and neck regions, as well as to provide insight into the different techniques of excision and reconstruction

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