Pedesetpet godina (1955.-2010.) Odsjeka za koagulaciju pri hematološkom laboratoriju Kliničke bolnice Sestara milosrdnica i njegova osnivača, hematologa Ljubomira Popovića


The Coagulation Section at Laboratory of Hematology, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital, Zagreb, was founded in 1955 by Ljubomir Popović, hematologist and assistant at School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, in cooperation with hard-working laboratory technicians. Apart from papers on hematologic neoplasms, plasmacytoma and lymphoma, Ljubomir Popović published a number of papers in the field of anticoagulant therapy with heparin and oral anticoagulants, some of which are also in use today. After Ljubomir Popović left the Hospital in 1964, the Laboratory was run by Professor Nedjeljko Milić, head of the newly founded Division of Hematology. In 1968, the management of the Laboratory of Hematology was taken over by Biserka Raić, MS , medical biochemist, until her retirement in 2007. Great development in morphological and cytometric studies of blood and blood cells has been paralleled by continuous progress and almost dominating activities in the diagnosis of hemostasis disorders. In the 1970s, Marko Koprčina, hematologist, and Biserka Raić introduced the then latest tests in practice at all Hospital departments. In that golden age of the Coagulation Section, M. Koprčina, B. Raić and their associates transferred their knowledge to all colleagues in the Hospital. Through that collaboration, high standards in the diagnosis of hemostasis disorders were achieved, from which the currently high level of clinical knowledge about coagulation disorders and their treatment has derived, making Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital one of the leading hospitals in this field in the country. By describing development of the Coagulation Section and the life of its founder Ljubomir Popović, the authors tried to provide an answer to the following question: can today’s clinicians still have a deciding role in laboratory development, considering that assessments of different phenomena are always initiated by an interested clinician who is trying to interpret and understand the nature of the disorder? This means that the clinician’s place may still be in the laboratory, or else, it will become clear that the laboratory, as well as knowledge in general, has undergone such an expansion that the clinician is no longer able to run it by himself. It is our belief that the answer will assert itself through the survey of the history of the Coagulation Section at Laboratory of Hematology, Division of Hematology, and the lives of its founders and beneficiaries.Koagulacijski odsjek Hematološkog laboratorija u Kliničkoj bolnici “Sestre milosrdnice” osnovao je davne 1955. godine hematolog Ljubomir Popović, uza svesrdno zalaganje suradnika laboratorijskih tehničara. Doktor Popović je tada bio asistent na Medicinskom fakultetu i voditelj Odsjeka hematologije na internom odjelu. U novoosnovanom laboratoriju doktor Popović traži rješenja i odgovore na pitanja koja se javljaju u kliničkoj praksi uz bolesnički krevet. Stručni napredak praćen je objavljivanjem niza članaka o hemoblastozama i protuzgrušavajućoj terapiji, koje postavke vrijede i danas. Ujesen 1964. godine Popović u naponu snage napušta Bolnicu, a Koagulacijski laboratorij dalje vodi profesor Nedjeljko Milić, pročelnik novostvorenoga Zavoda za hematologiju. Godine 1968. dolazi inženjerka medicinske biokemije magistra Biserka Raić i vodi Hematološki laboratorij do svog umirovljenja 2007. godine. Golem napredak bilježi dijagnostika poremećaja hemostaze, ali i citometrijske i morfološke analize krvnih stanica. Sedamdesetih i osamdesetih godina prošloga stoljeća, u zlatno doba razvoja i rada Koagulacijskog laboratorija, hematolog Marko Koprčina sa suradnicima te inženjeri biokemije Biserka Raić i Biserka Getaldić uvode niz novih koagulacijskih i viskozimetrijskih testova u kliničku praksu Bolnice. Ovaj hematološko-koagulacijski klinički rad čini Zavod za hematologiju naše bolnice, s liječnicima i inženjerima, jedinstvenim i prepoznatljivim. Uz opis razvoja Koagulacijskog laboratorija te života njegova osnivača Ljubomira Popovića autori pokušavaju odgovoriti na pitanje može li i mora li danas, kao prije pedeset godina, kliničar imati odlučujuću ulogu u razvoju i radu laboratorija. Autori smatraju da je kliničaru internistu i dalje mjesto u laboratoriju, ali uz gotovo neispunjiv uvjet sinteze bazičnih znanja iz biologije, tehnologije s kliničkom praksom. Razvoj Koagulacijskog laboratorija te životni put njegova osnivača doktora Ljubomira Popovića pokazuju kako bi njemu ova sinteza, isto kao i prije 55 godina, možda uspjela i danas

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