Anthropology and the Issue of ‘Other Philosophy’


Članak predstavlja komentarski prikaz glavnih tema knjige Wu Xiaominga, Filozofija i Zhexue. Put k drugome i natrag (i pratećih uredničkih priloga) te diskusiju o pojmu tzv. ‘druge’, ne-evropske filozofije, o njegovu sistematskom mjestu između povijesti filozofije, kulturne antropologije i postkolonijalne teorije diskursa. Nastojanje autora da pomoću Derridinog pojma différance i kineskog dao revolucionira hijerarhijski odnos interpretirajućeg (zapadnog) i interpretiranog (kineskog) intelektualnog nasljeđa vrednuje se u članku kao genuino filozofsko nasuprot kulturno-antropološkim pristupima filozofiji, što je suprotno negiranju kineske filozofije od sâmog Derride. Usporedno s glavnim tekstom, u pratećem aparatu, članak donosi pregled i komentare novije, interdisciplinarne literature, zapadne i kineske, o tematici komparativizma i njegovim osnovama u filozofiji, humanističkim i egzaktnim znanostima.The article gives a detailed review and commentary on the main topics in the book Philosophy and Zhexue. The Way To the Other and Back by Wu Xiaoming (in Croatian translation with several appendices by editors) and a discussion about the very notion of the so-called ‘other’, non-European philosophy, its systematic place between history of philosophy, cultural anthropology and post-colonial discourse theory. The effort by Xiaoming to revolutionize, by means of Derridean différance and Chinese dao, the hierarchical pattern in the relation between the interpreting (Western) and the interpreted (Chinese) intellectual heritage has been estimated as genuinelly philosophical and different from cultural anthropological approaches, which is even contrary to late Derrida’s denial of Chinese philosophy. Parallel to the discussion in the main text, the article provides a survey with commentaries of recent cross-disciplinary publications, both Western and Chinese, in related issues such as comparativism in philosophy, in human and exact sciences, including Chinese authors

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