Temple rings and the structure of grave goods found in the Velika Gorica graveyard


U radu se donose svi nalazi sljepoočničarki iz grobova u Velikoj Gorici. Neke od njih su već objavljene u radu Vinski-Gasparini 1973, a ovdje se donose nanovo rekonstruirane, kao i one koje nisu dosada bile poznate. Jedan je dio sljepoočničarki iz uništenih grobnih cjelina. Uglavnom pripadaju tipu 2 prema Starè 1960. Donosi se statistička analiza grobnih priloga u Velikoj Gorici i posebno se navodi učestalost sljepoočničarki na grobljima Velika Gorica i Dobova. Sljepoočničarke se analiziraju prema analognim primjercima iz srednje Europe i dovode se u vezu sa srodnim nalazima pozamenterijskog stila u Karpatskoj kotlini.The article presents all the temple rings found in the graves in Velika Gorica. Some of them, previously published in the 1973 Vinski-Gasparini book, have been reconstructed while others are new. Some temple rings come from destroyed graves. According to the 1960 classification by Starè, they mostly belong to Type 2. The article also provides a statistical analysis of grave goods in Velika Gorica, in particular the incidence of temple rings in the Velika Gorica and Dobova graveyards. The temple rings are analysed on the basis of analogous samples from Central Europe and are associated with related passementerie-style findings from the Carpathian Basin

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