Fifty years of the School of medicine of the University of Rijeka


U nadahnutom izlaganju autor podsjeća na razloge, preduvjete i kronologiju priprema za otvaranje Medicinskog fakulteta u Rijeci te opisuje prvih pet godina njegova djelova-nja. Kronologija započinje inicijativom V. Finderlea, koja će uz podršku A. Štampara i A. Šercera te gradskih vlasti, 21. studenoga 1955. biti okrunjena svečanim otvaranjem pete godine studija medicine u Rijeci. Slijedi prisjećanje na najznačajnije događaje prvog dekana S. Novaka i sve većeg broja nastavnika i asistenata zahvaljujući kojima se Fakultet ubrzano razvija te će nakon pet godina, tj. školske godine 1959./60., biti kompletiran studij opće medicine s ukupno 413 studenata.This inspired lecture looks back on the background and the course of preparations for the opening of the School of Medicine in Rijeka, including the first five years of teaching. The initiative came from V. Finderle’s, and was supported by A. Štampar, A. Šercer, and the City of Rijeka administration. On 21 November 1955, these efforts were crowned by the inauguration of the fifth-year medical study programme here in Rijeka. The lecture moves on to the early recollections of major events, of the first dean S. Novak and the growing number of students and assistants at such a rate that by the school year 1959/60 there were enough students – 413 - to fill up the entire five-year general medicine curriculum

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