New Research into the Ethnographic Activity of Josip Lovretić


Ovo istraživanje, temeljeno isključivo na rukopisnoj građi i autobiografiji Lovretića, priklanja se današnjim proučavanjima o Lovretiću (I.Balentović, Z. Lechner), potvrđuje postignute rezultate, sistematizira život i rad Lovretića te ga pokazuje kao preteču hrvatske etnološke znanosti. On nije samo prikupljao građu i sistematizirao je prema nekom datom obrascu, već je imao svoju koncepciju pisanja, što je, kako se vidi iz arhivskih dokumenata, poslužilo Antunu Radiću, osnivaču hrvatske etnologije, za njegovu Osnovu za sabiranje i proučavanje građe o narodnom životu.This research is based exclusively on data from manuscripts and Lovretić\u27s autobiography. It is an addition to previous studies about Lovretić by Balentović and Lechner; it confirms their results; systematizes the life and work of Lovretić, and presents him as a precursor of Croatian ethnology. Lovretić did not merely collect data and systematize it according to a ready-made pattern; rather he advanced his own conception of writing which - as is documented in certain archives - helped Antun Radić, the founder of Croatian ethnology, to construct his Osnova (Notes and Queries...) for collection and study of materials on folk life

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