
In this paper the authors discuss the influence of students’ attitudes on the process and results of their studies. The procedure by which a grade for students’ attitudes is obtained is very simple, and the results are treated in several ways. A survey has been conducted among the students in elementary school in order to establish their attitude towards Mathematics lessons. By comparing the answers of students to their knowledge, results were obtained indicating that motivation derived from enjoyment in mathematics has a much greater influence than student consciousness about the usefulness of the subject. The reason for this difference lies in the fact that the application of most mathematical areas seems abstract to learners of this age.U ovom se radu proučava utjecaj stavova učenika na proces i rezultate učenja. Procedura kojom se dobiva ocjena stavova učenika je vrlo jednostavna, a rezultati su tretirani na nekoliko načina. Anketa je provedena među učenicima osnovne škole kako bi se utvrdio njihov stav prema nastavi matematike. Uspoređivanjem odgovora učenika s njihovim znanjem dobiveni su rezultati po kojima motivacija uzrokovana uživanjem u matematici ima mnogo veći utjecaj nego svijest o korisnosti predmeta. Ova razlika postoji zato što primjena matematike djeluje suviše apstraktno učenicima ove dob

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