Procjena dobrobiti mliječnih krava držanih na vezu


Welfare assessment methods and techniques developed as a result of great interest of scientific and consumer populations regarding the welfare of animals housed in farms. In view of the fact that welfare by definition includes both physical and mental health, the welfare quality assessment includes an extensive number of measures. Welfare assessment was performed in two stables in which cows are kept in tie-stall by using the specific method described in the Welfare Quality® Assessment Protocol for Cattle. The measures included body condition score, qualitative behaviour assessment and body hygiene. The welfare assessment confirmed the importance of quality housing for ensuring better performance from animals, thus also affecting their health and productivity. It also pointed out the necessity of freeing animals by providing them with the possibility of free movement, whereat they can exhibit their physiological behaviour. It is definitely important to continue research, expand the number of researched measures in order to confirm the most useful indicators for welfare assessment and to identify the factors that within the animals’ physical and social environment affect the increase of their welfare.Zbog velike pozornosti znanstvene i populacije potrošača na dobrobit životinja smještenih na farmama razvile su se tehnike i metode procjene dobrobiti. Obzirom da dobrobit kao pojam uključuje i fizičko i mentalno zdravlje, veliki je broj mjera koje su uključene u kvalitetnu procjenu. Procjena dobrobiti provedena je u dvije staje u kojima se krave drže na vezu, specifičnim metodama opisanim u Welfare Quality® assessment protocol for cattle. Mjere su uključivale stanje kondicije krava, kvalitativnu procjenu ponašanja i higijenu tijela. Procjena dobrobiti potvrdila je važnost kvalitete smještaja za osiguravanje boljih performansi životinja, čime se utječe i na njihovo zdravlje i proizvodnost. Ukazala je i na nužnost oslobađanja životinja, osiguravajući im mogućnost slobodnog kretanja, pri čemu one mogu ispoljiti svoje fiziološko ponašanje. Svakako je važno nastaviti istraživanja, proširiti broj pretraženih mjera, da bi se potvrdili najkorisniji pokazatelji za procjenu dobrobiti te identificirali čimbenici unutar fizičkog i društvenog okoliša životinja koji utječu na povećanje njihove dobrobiti

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