Impact of Work Conditions on Productivity


Svaka institucija treba pratiti svoju produktivnost. Ukoliko ona pada, potrebno je poduzeti određene mjere. Cilj rada bio je analizirati stanje u četiri institucije metodom anketiranja 135 ispitanika i ukazati na probleme koji su anketiranjem detektirani. Da bi se povećala produktivnost rada, potrebno je, između ostalog, u okviru radnog procesa uvesti visoki stupanj odgovornosti radnika vodeći računa o njihovim radnim potencijalima, količini i kvaliteti rada. Iz rezultata dobivenih ovom anketom razvidno je da je adekvatno motivirani radnik, u ugodnome radnom ozračju, spreman u potpunosti predano raditi i postizati najbolje rezultate, čime u konačnici doprinosi ukupnoj produktivnosti. Treba težiti tomu da svaki radnik koji je spreman predano raditi puno radno vrijeme i biti odgovoran za svoj rad treba biti adekvatno i nagrađen. Svaki se rad može definirati u funkciji produktivnosti.Every institution should monitor its productivity. If productivity is decreasing, particular measures should be taken. The aim of the paper was to analyse the situation in four institutions by means of questionnaires filled in by 135 respondents, and to point to the problems that were detected through questionnaires. To increase productivity, high levels of worker responsibility should be introduced within the framework of work process, taking into account work potentials of workers, quantity and quality of work. From the results obtained through this survey it was noted that an adequately motivated worker in comfortable work environment is willing to be fully devoted to work and achieve best results, thus ultimately contributing to the overall productivity. There should be a tendency to adequately reward every worker who is willing to commit to work during full working hours and to be responsible for his or her work. Every type of work can be defined by productivity function

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