Delta robots – robots for high speed manipulation


Ovaj je rad usmjeren definiranju paralelnih kinematičkih robota, opisu njihove specifične primjene, usporedbi robota raznih proizvođača i određivanju parametara brzine i ubrzanja, kinematičkoj analizi – inverznoj i unaprijednoj kinematici. Obaviještava o razvoju Delta robota na Akademiji, uključujući i Sveučilište u Žilini, te o Delta robotima na tržištu. Dva su modela Delta robota, M-1iA i M-3iA razvijena u FANUC Robotics zadnjih nekoliko godina. Ti su roboti idealni za automatiziranje poslova koji su bili previše brzi i složeni za standardne robote. Uz to, ova nova serija robota nudi fleksibilnost pokreta ljudskog zgloba, brzo vrijeme ciklusa, krajnje kompaktnu ruku i visoku preciznost. Također je moguća podrška inteligentnim funkcijama korištenjem Computer Vision sustava. U radu se opisuje razvoj mjesta za obuku s Fanuc Delta robotima FANUC M-1iA 0.5A, uz primjere o primjeni robota.This paper is oriented to parallel kinematic robots definition, description of their specific application, comparison of robots made by different producers and determination of velocity and acceleration parameters, kinematic analysis – inverse and forward kinematic. It brings information about development of Delta robots at Academia, including the University of Žilina and Delta robots in the market. Two models of Delta robots called M-1iA and M-3iA have been developed by FANUC Robotics during the last several years. These robots are ideal to automate tasks which so far were too fast and too complex for standard robots. In addition, this new family of robot series offers the motion flexibility of a human wrist, fast cycle times, ultra compact arm and high precision. It is also possible to support intelligent functions using Computer Vision System. In this paper is described the development of training workplace with Fanuc Delta robot FANUC M-1iA 0.5A with examples of robot application

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