Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Zagreb
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different dietary protein levels on the biochemical and production parameters of ostriches. Eighteen adult, eight-year-old ostriches (Struthio camelus) (six male and twelve female) were studied. For the experiment the ostriches were randomly divided into two groups of 3 breeding pairs each (one male and two female) to be fed with 20% and 23% crude protein, respectively. The 20% crude protein group was fed layer feed (20% crude protein, 2900 kcal/kg ME) and alfalfa (ad libitum) and the 23% crude protein group with layer feed (23% crude protein, 2900 kcal/kg ME) and alfalfa (ad libitum) between May and September. It was determined that biochemical parameters of ostriches which were fed with diets that included 20% and 23% crude protein levels did not differ significantly, but a significant difference (P<0.01) was found in egg fertility ratio and hatchability of eggs between dietary protein levels. It was concluded that a high crude protein level in breeding ostriches had a negative effect on the number of eggs and hatchability of total eggs, and the results of the present study showed that the crude protein ratio was not required to exceed 20%.Istražen je učinak hranidbe temeljene na različitoj količini proteina na biokemijske i proizvodne pokazatelje nojeva. Istraživanje je provedeno na 18 odraslih nojeva (Struthio camelus) u dobi od osam godina i to šest mužjaka i 12 ženki. Životinje su bile podijeljene u dvije skupine s po tri uzgojna para (jedan mužjak i dvije ženke). Prva skupina je dobivala 20% sirovog proteina, 2900 kcal/kg ME i lucerku (ad libitum), a druga 23% sirovog proteina, 2900 kcal/kg ME i lucerku (ad libitum) u razdoblju od svibnja do rujna. Ustanovljeno je da se biokemijski pokazatelji nojeva obje skupine nisu značajno razlikovali. Značajne razlike (P< 0,01) bile su utvrđene u oplođenosti i leživosti jaja u odnosu na sadržaj proteina. Zaključeno je da davanje velikih količina sirovog proteina rasplodnim nojevima negativno utječe na ukupan broj i leživost jaja te da količina sirovog proteina ne bi smjela biti veća od 20%