
Identifikacija i iskorištavanje cestovne prašine


The aim of this publication is to determine models of explore dust from vehicle brake systems and the presentationof measurement results of the exploitation dust, which is separate from road dust. The following methods and measuring devices were used: T-01M device, screen analysis, analysis of chemical composition with the use of a scanning microscope with Energy Dispersive x-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) analyser. The measurements for identifying this type of dust were conducted on marked sections of roads: motorway, city road and mountain road. The explored dust was distinguished in the following car systems: brakes, clutch plates, tyres and catalytic converters.Cilj ove publikacije je utvrditi modele upotrebe prašine, koja je odvojena od cestovne prašine. Za ispitivanje su korištene sljedeće metode i mjerni uređaji: T-01M uređaj, granulometrijska analiza i upotreba pretražnog elektronskog mikroskopa s energetsko disperzijskim spektrometrom. Za mjerenja su uzeti uzroci prašine na različititim dijelovima ceste: autoceste, gradske i planinske ceste. Istraživana prašina potječe od sljedećih dijelova automobila, kočnice, spojke, gume i katalizatora

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