Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Zagreb
We describe a clinical case of a 4-year-old cat suspected to be suffering from a kidney disease, sent to our clinic by a private veterinarian. During the preceding two weeks the cat suffered from anorexia and in the past three days she had vomited food and water. Clinical examination revealed dehydration and abdominal palpation identified two solid, walnut-sized formations in the centre of the cat’s abdominal cavity. A blood sample was taken for biochemical examination and the abdominal cavity was examined by X-ray. On the basis of the results obtained a diagnostic laparotomy was performed, which established the presence of two tumorous formations protruding from jejunum. The affected part of the intestine was resected, intestinal ends were joined by end-to-end everted anastomosis and the laparotomic wound was closed using the common procedure. The cat was treated by infusions and antibiotics. The excised portion of the intestine was sent for histological examination, which identified a lymphosarcoma.Opisana je klinička slika u mačke u dobi 4 godine koja je na kliniku upućena pod sumnjom na bolest bubrega. Dva tjedna prije toga pokazivala je znakove anoreksije, a posljednja tri dana povraćala je hranu i vodu. Mačka je bila izrazito dehidrirana, a palpacijom abdomena ustanovljene su dvije čvrste tvorbe veličine oraha i to u središnjem području trbušne šupljine. Provedena je klinička i biokemijska pretraga krvi i rendgenografija abdomena. Na temelju dobivenih nalaza izvršena je dijagnostička laparotomija kojom su dokazane dvije tumorske tvorbe na taštom crijevu. Promijenjeni dio crijeva je reseciran nakon čega su krajnji dijelovi spojeni anastomozom. Mačka je nakon operacije bila liječena infuzijama i antibioticima. Odstranjen dio crijeva bio je dostavljen na histološku pretragu te je potvrđen limfosarkom