
Morfohistološke značajke interdigitalnih žlijezda srnjaka (Capreolus capreolus L.).


This research was conducted on the interdigital gland of the roebuck (Capreolus capreolus L.). In the presented study the detailed morphology, type of secretion and anatomical location of this gland are described. The gland is composed of a pouch and an excretory duct. The glandular tissue contains sebaceous acini of the holocrine secretion and tubular-coil glands of the apocrine secretion, and no hair follicles or sweat glands were found. Differential staining established the gland’s detailed structure and, using the Sudan Black B method, we have shown the distribution of lipids inside glandular acini.Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorcima interdigitalnih žlijezda srnjaka (Capreolus capreolus L.). Smještaj, morfološke osobitosti i sekrecija navedene žlijezde su detaljno opisani. žlijezda ima oblik vrećice s izvodnim kanalom. U njenom tkivu razlikuju se lojni acinusi holokrine sekrecije i tubularne klupčaste stanice apokrine sekrecije. Dlačni folikuli i znojne žlijezde nisu utvrđeni. Diferencijalnim bojenjem utvrđena je struktura žlijezde, a pomoću Sudan Black B metode prikazan je raspored lipida u žlijezdanim acinima

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