
Benefits of perindopril all along the cardiovascular continuum: the level of evidence.


Clinical efficacy of perindopril has been proved by using extensive clinical randomized studies in patients with hypertension, diabetes, cerebrovascular disease, stable coronary heart disease (CHD) and heart failure. Therefore, this ACE inhibitor has found its place in the leading clinical guidelines for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The cardioprotective effect of perindopril is independent of its antihypertensive effect with a positive safety profile. This is explained by its pharmacologic properties: long half-life, high lypophility and a high affinity for tissue ACE. ACE inhibition by perindopril causes two main factors: prevention of creation of angiotensin II and increase in bradykinin level. In that way, perindopril does not only lower the high blood pressure (BP), but it is also cardioprotective considering its antiatherosclerotic, antiinflammatory and antithrombotic effect. The use of perindopril in daily clinical practice needs to be based not only on antihypertensive effect, but also on the evaluation of total cardiovascular risk that is very high in patients with CHD, diabetes and cerebrovascular disease

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