
Povezanost života i stvaralaštva Zvonimira Bartolića s njegovim rodnim mjestom, Donjom Dubravom, bila je neraskidiva i trajna. Dobrava je tom svjetskom duhu bila osnovno mjerilo usporedbe, a obitelj polazište i moralna vertikala. U članku se stoga donosi veći broj citata iz Bartolićeva proznog i pjesničkog opusa, koji najbolje dočaravaju taj specifični odnos autora i zavičaja. Također je na osnovi matičnih knjiga i druge dokumentacije rekonstruirana genealogija obitelji Bartolić od prvoga spominjanja krajem 18. stoljeća.The ties between Zvonimir Bartolić\u27s life and work results and his native settlement Donja Dubrava were inseparable and permanent. «Dobrova» (another name for Donja Dubrava) was the basic point of comparison for this man of the world, and family to him was the starting point for everything, as well as the morale standard. The article, therefore, brings a number of quotes from Bartolić\u27s prose and poetry works that best of all describe this specific relationship of the author and his native place. Also, a reconstruction was made on the Bartolić family\u27s genealogy based on the main register, beginning from the time the family members were first mentioned in the 18th century

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