
We put forward a novel concept explaining the mechanism of micturition and the factors that control urinary continence. Also, we describe the mechanism of defecation and the factors that control stool continence and prevent fecal incontinence. A weak internal urethral sphincter (IUS) will not withstand sudden rise of intra-abdominal pressure and urine will leak. The weakness of the IUS is mostly due to traumatic rupture of its wall as a result of the huge vaginal distension that happens during prolonged, difficult and multiple frequent labors. So, surgical correction is by exposing that rupture and mending its walls. Also the marked vaginal distension which occurs in labor will cause lacerations in the internal anal sphincter (IAS) which is intimately related to the posterior vaginal wall. The torn weak IAS will cause fecal incontinence (FI). Exposing the torn IAS and mending the torn walls will restore the sphincter strength and fecal continence. Vaginal prolapse occurs as a result of vaginal wall weakness, redundancy and flabbiness subsequent to its marked stretching of its walls during vaginal deliveries. Overlapping the vaginal flaps both in the anterior and posterior vaginal wall, such repair will strengthen the vaginal walls, as if we put a collagenous mesh but instead this is an autologus collagenous mesh. We innovated an operation called »urethro-ano-vagino-plasty« to surgically treat urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence and and vaginal prolapse. Objectives. To describe this novel operation, and assess its results for a follow up period of 24 months. Methods. 134 patients with SUI and FI were assessed. Urethro-ano-vaginoplasty was done, and the results were assessed immediately and for 24 months follow up. Results. 121 (90.3%) gained urinary and fecal continence and remained continent in the follow up period. Conclusion. The internal anal sphincter (IAS) is a collageno-muscular tissue cylinder that surrounds the anal canal innervated by alpha-sympathetic nerve supply from the hypogastric nerves. It is surrounded in its lower part by the EAS which is a striated muscle innervated by the pudendal nerve. Its damage during childbirth causes fecal incontinence and mending the torn walls restores fecal continence.Predstavljena je nova koncepcija o mehanizmu mokrenja i čimbenicima koji reguliraju mokraćnu kontinenciju. Također, opisan je mehanizam defekacije te čimbenici koji kontroliraju kontinenciju stolice i sprječavaju fekalnu inkontinenciju. Slab unutarnji uretralni sfinkter (IUS) se ne može suprostaviti naglom porastu intraabdominalnog tlaka te će mokraća bježati. Slabost IUS-a je većinom posljedica ozljede njegove stijenke zbog silnog vaginalna širenja koje se zbiva tijekom produljenih, tešlih i učestalih rađanja. Kirurška korekcija se sastoji u nalaženju prsnuća i opskrbi njegove stijenke. Vaginalno širenje tijekom poroda uzrokuje prsnuće unutarnjeg analnog sfinktera (IAS), koji je intimno povezan sa stražnjom vaginalnom stijenkom. Oslabljeni i prsnuti IAS uzrokuje fekalnu inkontinenciju (FI). Prikaz prsnutog IAS-a i šivanje njegovih razderanih stijenki uspostavit će snagu sfinktera i fekalnu kontinenciju. Vaginalni prolaps nastaje kao posljedica slabosti i mlohavosti vaginalne stijenke te njene proširenosti, zbog istezanja tijekom vaginalnog rađanja. Preklapanjem vaginalnih režanja prednje i stražnje stijenke ojačava se stijenka, umjesto umjetne mrežice postavljamo vlastitu autolognu kolagenu mrežicu. Izumjeli smo za korekciju urinarne i fekalne inkontinencije te vaginalna prolapsa novu operaciju i nazcvali je »uretro-ano-vagino-plastika«. Cilj rada je opisati novu operaciju i prosuditi njen uspjeh nakon 24 mjeseca. Metoda. Operirane su 134 bolesnice sa stres urinarnom inkontinencijom i fekalnom inkontinencijom. Rezultati. 121 bolesnica (90,3%) je opet postigla mokraćnu i fekalnu kontinenciju i zadržala ih tijekom praćenja. Zaključak. Unutarnji analni sfinkter je kolegano-mišićni tkivni cilindar, inerviran alfa-simpatičnim živcima iz hipogastričkog pleksusa koji okružuje analni kanal. U donjem dijelu je okružen vanjskim sfinkterom koji je poprečno-prugaste mišićne građe i inerviran ograncima pudendalnog živca. Njegovo oštećenje tijekom rađanja uzrokuje fekalnu inkontinenciju, a šivanje prsnute stijenke uspostavlja fekalnu kontinenciju

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