Cutting tool life tests of ceramic inserts for car engine sleeves


Ovaj članak je usredotočen na eksperimentalno određivanje trajnosti alata za indeksiranje keramičkih reznih uložaka. Postavljen je kriterij trošenja alata VBBmax = 0,6 mm (sukladno ISO 3685) ili 30 komada obrađenih tuljaka. Kada je postignut barem jedan od ovih parametara, ispitivanje je zaustavljeno i procijenjeno. Ispitivane su dvije vrste reznog materijala uz pomoć tvrtke Saint Gobain Advanced Ceramics s.r.o. – ZTA 7 NI i D 250. Pratili smo njihovu trajnost kod istih parametara obrade. Eksperimenti su izvedeni na alatnom stroju – CHEMNITZ NILES N22. Obrađivani materijal bio je lijevano željeza 25P koje se koristi za motore automobila. Trošenje alata praćeno je za svaki peti obrađeni tuljak. Mjerena je mikrogeometrija nakon ispitivanja trošenja alata na svakom petom tuljku. Cilj je bio odrediti aritmetičku toleranciju Ra profila, najveću visinu Rz profila i vanjski promjer D. Mjerenje je provedeno četiri puta, aritmetička sredina je izvedena naknadno i prikazana je u tablicama.This article is focused on the experimental determination of tool life tests for indexable ceramic cutting inserts. The set criterion of tool wear was VBBmax = 0,6 mm (in accordance with ISO 3685) or 30 pieces of machined sleeves. After at least one of the mentioned parameters was achieved, the tests were stopped and evaluated. Two types of cutting material by Saint Gobain Advanced Ceramics s.r.o. Company – ZTA 7 NI and D 250 were tested. We monitored their tool life at the same cutting parameters. The experiments were performed on machine tool – CHEMNITZ NILES N22. The machined material was the cast iron 25P mainly used for car engines. Tool wear was monitored on every fifth machined sleeve. Microgeometry was measured after tool wear test on each fifth sleeve. The aim was to determine the arithmetic tolerance of Ra profile, the greatest height of Rz profile and the external diameter D. The measurement was carried out four times; arithmetic average was performed subsequently as it is shown in the tables

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