Isolated intracranial sinus histiocytosis: Report of two cases with Rosai-Dorfman disease


Cilj: Rosai-Dorfman bolest (RDD) je idiopatska histiocitna proliferacijska bolest koja zahvaæa limfne èvorove. RDD se rijetko pojavljuje kao izolirana intrakranijska bolest, bez zahvaæenosti ostalih regija. U ovom èlanku prikazat æemo dva sluèaja RDD koja su se manifestirala kao izolirani intrakranijski procesi. Prikaz sluèaja: Prvi bolesnik je tridesetdevetogodišnji muškarac s dobro ogranièenom lezijom desnog temporalnog režnja, za koju se preoperativno smatralo da je meningeom. Histološkom i imunohistokemijskom analizom ustanovljeno je da se radi o RDD. Intracerebralna pojava ove bolesti ima benigan tijek. Drugi bolesnik je èetrdesetjednogodišnji muškarac koji se klinièki prezentirao vertiginoznim sindromom i blagom cerebelarnom ataksijom. Raèunalna tomografija prikazala je solitarnu leziju lokaliziranu desno cerebelarno. Imunohistopatološke karakteristike takoðer su ukazale na to da se radi o RDD. Rasprava i zakljuèak: U èlanku æemo prikazati znaèajke, diferencijalnu dijagnozu i terapiju intrakranijske lokalizacije RDD. Detaljna preoperativna priprema bolesnika je obavezna, a kad god je moguæe treba uèiniti i biopsiju. Neurokirurško lijeèenje ovog tumora nije uvijek nužno, no bitno je za postavljanje prave dijagnoze. Ishod bolesti i rizik od recidiva manji je kod kompletnog odstranjenja tumora. Recidiv tumora nije opažen prilikom kompletnog odstranjenja tumora, te u tim sluèajevima ne postoji potreba za daljnjom terapijom. S klinièkog stajališta, RDD se može smatrati važnim intracerebralnim tumorskim entitetom zato što može oponašati druge tumorske procese.Aim: Rosai-Dorfman Disease (RDD) is an idiopathic histiocytic proliferation affecting lymph nodes. Rosai-Dorfman disease rarely affects intracranial structures without involvement of other sites. In this paper we are presenting two cases of RDD with isolated intracranial involvement. Case report: The first patient is a 39-year-old male presenting with an isolated well-circumscribed brain mass in the right temporal lobe, preoperatively thought to be a meningioma. Histological and immunohistochemical analysis confirmed that the lesion was RDD. The intraparenchymal brain location of RDD appears to have a benign course. We also describe the case of 41-year-old man presenting with vertiginous symptoms and mild cerebellar ataxia who was diagnosed with a solitary lesion localised deep in the right cerebellar hemisphere. Immunohistological findings also revealed Rosai-Dorfman disease. Discussion and conclusion: In this paper we are presenting the clinical features, tumor characteristics, differential diagnosis and treatment options. Thorough preoperative evaluation is mandatory and biopsy should be done whenever possible. Surgical treatment of this type of tumour is not always necessary, however, it is essential for postulating the right diagnosis. When total tumor removal is achieved, the outcome is generally better. Recurrence was not observed in our cases where total surgical excision was performed and there was no need for additional therapy. From the clinical point of view RDD might be an important intracerebral entity because it might mimic other lesions, particularly other histiocytic disorders.,îÿ

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