
U zadnjih nekoliko godina u literaturi su za svakodnevnu medicinsku praksu objavljeni radovi o primjeni malih i portabilnih ultrazvučnih uređaja. Napredak tehnologije nudi nove, drukčije i bolje funkcije ultrazvučnih aparata. Učinili smo ispitivanje na 100 trudnica gestacijske dobi 16.–41. tjedan, koristeći portabilan ultrazvučni uređaj Siemens Acuson 10 i ocjenjivali točnost u osnovnim ultrazvučnim mjerenjima u usporedbi s većim uređajima koji se svakodnevno koriste. U našoj studiji portabilni ultrazvučni aparat bio je vrlo učinkovit u procjeni i mjerenju količine plodove vode, ocjeni sijela posteljice, namještaja djeteta i dokaza života ploda. Nešto lošiji rezultati u usporedbi s većim i skupljim uređajima dobiveni su u biometriji, bolji kod mjerenja koštanih struktura, biparijetalnog promjera (BPD) i duljine femura (FL), a lošiji u mjerenju opsega abdomena (AC). Zaključili smo da ovakav portabilan ultrazvuk dobre rezolucije može biti od koristi u ocjeni i gruboj orijentaciji, ali ne može se upotrijebiti kao oruđe za probir u prvom i drugom tromjesječju trudnoće. Takvi maleni i portabilni ultrazvučni aparati mogli bi imati važno mjesto u edukacijskoj primjeni ultrazvuka u kliničkoj praksi.In the last couple of years in the literature considering the usage of the small and portable ultrasound machines in everyday practice many data were published. Development of technology offers new, different and better functions¬ of ultrasound machines. We have performed the research on 100 pregnant women of the gestational age 16–41 weeks using the Simens Acuson 100 portable ultrasound machine. We wanted to see how accurate it is in basic biometrical measurements in comparison to the conventional bigger machines that are used daily. In our study portable ultrasound machine was very efficient in detecting the quantity of amniotic fluid, the position of placenta, position of the fetus and heart beating. In comparion to larger and more expensive machines worse results were observed in biometrical measurements, better in measurement of bony structures (femur length – FL and biparietal diameter – BPD) and not so good in measuring abdominal circumference (AC). We have to conclude that such a small machine can be very useful in basic ultrasound orientation but it is not enough useful as a tool in routine ultrasound screening. It could also have an important place as an educational tool in ultrasound skills

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