
Govoreći o mirovinskoj politici, možemo je usporediti sa situacijom kada “profesor svake godine postavlja isto pitanje, ali mijenja odgovor”. Potreba za ozbiljnijim reformama ne govori nam ništa o tome koje bi reforme trebalo poduzeti u kojoj zemlji. U ovom tekstu pokušava se predstaviti utjecaj posljednje krize na mirovinski sustav i ukratko naznačiti glavne probleme. Situacija s kojom smo se susreli posljednjih nekoliko godina upozorila je na nestabilnost spomenutog sustava. U ovom se radu mirovinska politika koristi kao primjer upravo zbog jedne od poveznica s krizom, a to su nestabilni temelji koji s vremenom dovode do sve većih problema. U razdobljima šoka i loših financijskih situacija sustava dolazi do njegova suočavanja s novčanim opterećenjima u kratkom, ali i dugom razdoblju. Nakon što se u velikoj mjeri počeo osjećati utjecaj svjetske krize, mnoge su zemlje započele provoditi nepopularne mjere mirovinske reforme. Potrebno je naglasiti dugoročnost njihovih rezultata i posljedica te otkloniti zabludu da one mogu u potpunosti riješiti trenutne probleme.Talking about pension policy, we may instantly mention a situation that is similar to this one: year after year, a professor asks the same question, but he changes the answer. The need for serious reform does not tell us anything about which reforms should be undertaken in a particular country. This article attempts to present the impact of the recent crisis on the pension system and briefly signify the main problems. The situation we encountered in recent years had already warned us of the instability of the pension system. Pension policy in this paper is used as an example because the crisis and pension policy of today have at least one thing in common – unstable foundation that eventually will lead to bigger problems. In the context of shock and a bad financial situation, the system will be confronted with financial loads in both short-term and long-term periods. Considering the presence of global crisis sentiment, that has assumed a higher proportion by now, many countries have begun to implement some unpopular measures of pension reform. It is necessary to emphasize the long-term results and consequences of these reforms, but also to eliminate the misconception that they can completely solve the current problems

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