Spontaneous splenic rupture in infectious mononucleosis: report of three cases


Prikazana su tri bolesnika sa spontanom rupturom slezene u infekcijskoj mononukleozi koji su uspješno izliječeni splenektomijom. Pojava boli u trbuhu, uz pad vrijednosti hemoglobina i hemodinamsku nestabilnost kod bolesnika s kliničkom slikom infekcijske mononukleoze, pobudila je sumnju na rupturu slezene, što je potvrđeno ultrazvučnim pregledom i/ili kompjutoriziranom tomografijom abdomena. Zbog hemodinamske nestabilnosti učinjena je splenektomija kao terapija izbora. U literaturi se opisuje sve više primjera uspješnog konzervativnog liječenja spontane rupture slezene u hemodinamski stabilnih bolesnika sa subkapsularnim hematomom, a bez rupture kapsule.We present three patients with spontaneous rupture of the spleen in infectious mononucleosis successfully treated with splenectomy. The occurrence of pain in the abdomen, together with a decline in the value of hemoglobin and hemodynamic instability in patients with clinical picture of infectious mononucleosis, aroused the suspicion of spleen rupture, which was confirmed by ultrasonography and/or computed tomography of the abdomen. Because of hemodynamic instability they underwent splenectomy as a treatment of choice. The literature describes many examples of successful conservative treatment of spontaneous splenic rupture in hemodynamically stable patients with subcapsular hematoma without capsule rupture

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