Salmonella Ovarian Abscess in Young Girl Presented as Acute Abdomen – Case Report


Ovarian abscess in young sexually non-active girls can represent a diagnostic challenge. 15-years old girl was admitted to the Clinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics under the suspicion of torsion of an ovarian cyst. Her clinical status deteriorated after the admission with development of acute abdomen. Laparoscopic exploration was performed and unilateral ovarian abscess was found without involvement of other pelvic structures. The surgical proceedure was minimal invasive for a young girl and Salmonella staleyville was isolated from pus. Solitary ovarian abscess can be of hematogenous origin and the causative pathogens are different from pathogens usually involved in pelvic inflammatory disease. To avoid later fertility problems it is of great importance to treat infections in pelvic region correctly according to the isolated microorganism and that surgery is the least invasive

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