
Kvalitetna priprema budućih pedagoga za odgovaranje na zahtjeve odgojnoobrazovne prakse podrazumijeva stjecanje potrebnih kompetencija u različitim područjima djelovanja. Jedno od tih područja jest izuzetno važno i zahtjevno područje suradnje i partnerskih odnosa s roditeljima. Pedagog je u situaciji da radi izravno s roditeljima, ali i da upućuje druge djelatnike (odgojitelje, učitelje...) kako raditi s roditeljima. U radu se teorijski razmatraju pitanja važnosti partnerskih odnosa između obitelji i ustanove kao potrebe suvremene prakse. Analizom nastavnih planova i programa obrazovanja budućih pedagoga u Republici Hrvatskoj, autorice odgovaraju na pitanje postoje li kolegiji obiteljske pedagogije i rada s roditeljima na studijima pedagogije u RH te ih uspoređuju s obzirom na način organiziranja.High-quality training of prospective educationists implies the acquisition of relevant competencies in different areas of early education practice. One of the areas is the highly important and demanding area of cooperation and partner relationships with parents, both directly and indirectly in working with educators. The paper theoretically discusses the issues of the importance of the partnerships between family and institution as a need imposed by contemporary practice. On the basis of the analysis of the curricula in the future educationists´ training program in the Republic of Croatia, the authors answer the question of whether the Education Studies in Croatia incorporate the courses related to family pedagogy and cooperation with parents. The courses are furthermore compared with regard to the way they are organized

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