Role of the nurse in nephrology care


Nefrološke medicinske sestre članice su medicinskog tima koji skrbi za bolesnike u svim stadijima bubrežne bolesti, uključujući i stadij kada je potrebno nadomjestiti bubrežnu funkciju. Njihov rad usmjeren je na sprječavanje bubrežne bolesti te procjenu zdravstvenih potreba bolesnika i njihovih obitelji. Osim osnovnog znanja stečenog tijekom školovanja, one se moraju dodatno educirati za rad u dijaliznim jedinicama. Svoju ulogu ostvaruju u različitim ambulantama polikliničke službe, na odjelima standardne ili intenzivne njege, jedinicama za dijalizu i u domovima bolesnika. U svom okruženju medicinske sestre djeluju kao izravni isporučitelji zdravstvene njege, zastupnici, pedagozi, savjetnici i koordinatori skrbi.Renal nurses are members of the medical team who care for patients in all stages of kidney disease, including the stage when it is necessary to replace renal function. Their work is focused on prevention of kidney diseases and assessment of health needs of patients and their families. In addition to basic knowledge acquired during the training, they need to be further trained to work in dialysis units. They realize their role in various clinics of polyclinic services, departments of standard or intensive care, dialysis units and also in patients’ homes. In their environment the nurses act as direct suppliers of health care, representations, educators, counselors and coordinators of care

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