Karakterizacija bakteriocinogenih sojeva bakterija mliječne kiseline iz tradicionalnog slovenskog sira ‘Tolminc’


The purpose of this research was to examine traditional Slovenian ‘Tolminc’ cheese for the presence of lactic acid bacteria that produce several bacteriocins. The presence of gene determinants for different bacteriocins in this type of cheese and in the cultivable population of ‘Tolminc’ microbiota, have already been demonstrated, as well as its antimicrobial activity. Due to the difficulties in connecting the presence of gene determinants for bacteriocins with the observed antimicrobial activity it was decided to examine in this study the same features on the level of individual bacteriocinogenic strains. Like in previous results, enterococci and their bacteriocins prevailed in cheese microbial consortia. None of isolated strains inhibited growth of Staphylococcus aureus, while the other indicator strains were inhibited in a strain specific manner. Most of isolated strains carried gene determinants for cytolysin. On the basis of gene determinants for bacteriocins, antimicrobial activity, phenotyping by PhP (PhenePlateTM) system and PCR identification, some similarities found were among Enterococcus isolates.Cilj ovog rada bio je provjeriti prisutnost sojeva bakterija mliječne kiseline koji proizvode različite bakteriocine u tradicionalnom slovenskom siru ‘Tolminc’. Prisutnost genskih determinanti za pojedine bakteriocine u ovoj vrsti sira i izoliranoj populaciji mikrobiote sira ‘Tolminc’ već je bila prikazana, a također i njihova antimikrobna aktivnost. Zbog poteškoća pri povezivanju detektiranih genskih determinanti za bakteriocine i antimikrobne aktivnosti, odlučeno je u ovom radu analizirati ista svojstva i kod pojedinačnih bakteriocinogenih sojeva. Slično prethodnim istraživanjima, enterokoki i njihovi bakteriocini najbolje su bili zastupljeni. Nijedan od izoliranih sojeva nije inhibirao bakteriju Staphylococcus aureus, dok su ostale indikatorske mikroorganizme inhibirali različito. Većina sojeva nosila je genske determinante za bakteriocin citolizin. Na temelju genskih determinanti za bakteriocine, antimikrobne aktivnosti, fenotipizacije s PhP (PhenePlateTM) sistemom i identifikacije roda i vrste sojeva, mogu se naći neke sličnosti između Enterococcus sojeva

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