The Presbyter – Servant and Leader of the Parish Community


U članku koji se sastoji od dva dijela i uvoda obrađuju se dvije dimenzije prezbiterova poslanja: služiteljska i voditeljska i to u kontekstu župne zajednice. U uvodu se promišlja o antropogenim i sociogenim obilježjima današnjih župljana i polazeći od teze da je čovjek put Crkve, skiciraju se suvremena društveno-kulturna kretanja koja obilježavaju život suvremenog čovjeka i bitno određuju ulogu Crkve, župe i prezbitera u župnoj zajednici. U prvom i drugom dijelu služi se istom metodom: na temelju Novog zavjeta i dokumenata Drugog vatikanskog koncila promišlja se o služiteljskom, tj. voditeljskom poslanju prezbitera, s naglaskom na službu župnika. Iako se u prvom dijelu članka ističe služenje kao oblik življenja svih krštenih, ipak se govoreći o župničkom služenju pojašnjava njegov cilj: promicanje službi vjernika laika. U drugom se dijelu članka kritički promišlja o nekim oblicima (su-)vođenja u župi i (su-)vođenja župe na temelju ekleziologije zajedništva Drugog vatikanskog koncila.This article, consisting of two sections and an introduction deals with two dimensions of the presbyter’s ministry: serving and leading in the context of the parish community. The introduction deals with anthropogenic and sociogenic features of contemporary parishioners starting from the thesis that man is the way of the Church. The article sketches contemporary social-cultural trends as a feature in the life of contemporary man and necessarily defines the role of the Church, parish and presbyter in the parish community. In the fi rst and second sections the author uses the same method: based on the New Testament and Second Vatican Council documents to ponder on the presbyter’s ministry of service, i.e. leading the parish community emphasising the mission of the parish priest. Even though the first part of the article stresses service as a form of living of all the baptised, nevertheless reference to the parish priest’s mission of service explains its aim: to promote the service of the faithful laity. The second part of the article critically analyses some forms of (co)leadership inthe parish and (co) leading the parish founded on the ecclesiology of togetherness of the Second Vatican Council

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