Utjecaj brzine deformacije na mehanička i tehnološka svojstva čeličnih traka


The paper analyses the influence of strain rate on the behaviour of un-alloyed steels with Re (yield strength) in the range of 210 … 550 MPa in the deformation process. It analyses the results of the influence of strain rate ranging from 10-3 to 2,5•102s-1 on the yield strength, the ultimate tensile strength (Rm), the elongation (A) and the reduction of area (Z). Achieved results of strain rate in relationship on values of Erichsen number IE are also given. By increasing of strain rate ranging from 10-3 to 2,5•102s-1 the ratio Re/Rm is increased, whereas it was observed more intensively for steels with the lower value of Re. By increasing of strain rate up to 1 s-1 are IE values of tested steels increased, whereas the ratio Re/Rm was equal 0,82. After exceeding of this strain rate was the ratio Re/Rm increased and IE value is remarkable decreased.U članku se analizira utjecaj brzine deformacije na ponašanje nelegiranog čelika s Re (granica razvlačenja) 210 do 550 MPa tijekom deformacije. Motre se rezultati utjecaja brzine deformacije u rasponu 10-3 do 2,5•102s-1 na granicu razvlačenja, vlačnu čvrstoću (Rm) istezanja (A) i kontrakciju (Z). Dodatno se prikazuje utjecaj brzine deformacije na vrijednost Erichsenovog broja IE. Povećanjem brzine deformacije u intervalu 10-3 do 2,5•102s-1 povećava se odnos Re/Rm i to intenzivnije za čelik s nižom vrijednošću Re. Povećanjem brzine deformacije do cca 1 s-1 povećava se IE ispitivanog čelika pri čemu Re/Rm = 0,82. Iznad te brzine odnos Re/Rm se povećava, a IE izrazito se smanjuje

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