
Technical and Technological Cost Effectiveness, Analysis of the Wood Furniture Production for Equipment the Yachts, Sailboats and Catamarans


Cilj je ovom radu pokazati isplativost osnivanja pogona za izradbu drvenog namještaja kojemu je temeljni asortiman namještaj za jahte, jedrilice i katamarane u pojedinačnoj (custom) ili serijskoj proizvodnji za poznatog kupca. U programskoj aplikaciji za evaluaciju investicijskih projekata simulirana su tri scenarija realizacije projekta na temelju stvarnih okolnosti. Rezultati analize u ekonomsko-financijskom smislu izrazito su dobri. To se odnosi prije svega na veliku likvidnost, zadržanu dobit i razdoblje povrata, uz ostale pokazatelje. Inače, investicijski projekti tijesno vezani uz proizvodnju drvenog namještaja za plovila imaju veliku mogućnost rasta i stabilnog poslovanja. Naime, drvna industrija ostvaruje suficit s inozemstvom, a mala je brodogradnja brzorastuća industrija. Prikazani investicijski projekt ima dobre pretpostavke za uspješno poslovanje.The aim of this paper is to show the viability of the facility for production of wood furniture which is the basic range of furniture for yachts, sailboats and catamarans in the individual (custom) or mass-produced for a known customer. The application program for the evaluation of investment projects have simulated three scenarios project implementation based on the actual circumstances. Analysis results of economic and financial terms are very good. This applies primarily to the high liquidity, retained earnings, payback period and other indicators. Otherwise, investment projects closely related to the production of wood furniture for boats have large growth potential and a stable business. Namely, the wood industry realized a surplus with other countries, a small shipbuilding industry is fast-growing industry. A presented investment project has good preconditions for successful busines

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