
Consumer segmentation based on the level of environmental responsibility


Ne može se više dovesti u pitanje činjenica da postoji ekološki odgovoran segment potrošača na tržištu. Međutim, ulaskom sve većeg broja ponuđača upravo na to zeleno tržište, više nije dovoljno samo biti svjestan te činjenice, nego su potrebne i složene strategije segmentacije, ciljanja i pozicioniranja. U ovom radu nastojalo se pružiti teoretsku podlogu za razumijevanje ključnih pojmova vezanih uz segment zelenih potrošača, a prikupljanjem sekundarnih podataka iz dostupne literature i prethodno provedenih istraživanja te primarnih podataka iz vlastitog istraživanja, doprinijeti stvaranju jasnije slike o hrvatskom zelenom potrošaču. Pomoću strukturiranog upitnika provedeno je primarno istraživanje na uzorku od 552 ispitanika. On se sastojao od tri cjeline koje redom mjere: stav, znanje i poduzete aktivnosti. Nakon segmentacije (tri segmenta: zeleni, neutralni i smeđi potrošači) korištenjem hi-kvadrat testa pokušalo se dokazati postojanje statistički značajnih razlika pri usporedbi dane strukture segmenta s demografskim karakteristikama ispitanika. Rezultati istraživanja opisuju prosječnog zelenog potrošača u Republici Hrvatskoj kao osobu stariju od 55 godina s višim ili visokim stupnjem obrazovanja, koja živi u bračnoj zajednici, reagira na promocijske poruke u kojima se ističe da je proizvod siguran za okoliš, te pod njihovih utjecajem povremeno ili često donosi kupovne odluke i spreman je platiti 20% višu cijenu za ekološki prihvatljiv proizvod.Doubtless, there is an environmentally responsible segment of consumers in the market. However, with an increasing number of suppliers entering the green market, it is no longer sufficient to be aware of this fact. What is needed now are complex strategies of segmentation, targeting and positioning. The aim of this paper was to provide a theoretical framework for understanding the key concepts related to the green consumer segment and to help create a clearer picture of Croatia’s green consumers by gathering secondary data from the available literature, previous research and primary data from own research. Primary research was conducted by means of a structured questionnaire on a sample of 552 respondents. The questionnaire was divided into three parts, each measuring, respectively, attitudes, knowledge and activities undertaken. After the segmentation (three segments: green, neutral and brown consumers), a chi-square test was used in an attempt to prove statistically significant differences when comparing the given segment structure with the respondents’ demographic characteristics. The results of this research describe the average green consumer in the Republic of Croatia as a person who is 55 and older, with higher or university education, who is married, who responds to the advertising claims about eco-friendliness of products and is influenced by those claims, who occasionally or frequently makes purchasing decisions and shows readiness to pay a 20 percent mark-up for an environmentally friendly product

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