
Results of the Excavations of the La Tène Cemetery in Zvonimirovo-Veliko polje Cemetery in 2008


Zaštitna arheološka istraživanja groblja latenske kulture Zvonimirovo-Veliko polje nastavljena su 2008. godine na sjevernom dijelu uzvisine, gdje je pronađeno šest paljevinskih grobova koji se na osnovi brojnih priloga mogu pripisati mokronoškoj skupini latenske kulture, odnosno njezinom Mokronog IIB stupnju. Posebno se izdvaja nalaz dvojnog groba LT 74 s prilozima naoružanja keltskog ratnika i predmetima ženske nošnje te nalaz cjelovito očuvane staklene narukvice u grobu LT 70. Dio grobova djelomice je uništen intenzivnom obradom zemljišta, što ukazuje na potrebu istraživanja vrha sjevernog dijela uzvisine u cijelosti, kako bi se dokumentirali preostali grobovi.Archaeological rescue excavations of the La Tène cemetery Zvonimirovo-Veliko polje continued in 2008 in the northern part of the elevation, where six incineration graves (LT 69-LT 74) were found. Particularly worth mentioning is the find of a double grave LT 74 containing a Celtic warrior’s weapons and parts of a woman’s attire as burial goods (Fig 3). A whole glass armring made of colourless glass with a yellow foil on the inside, belonging to series 25, in grave LT 70 (Fig. 1) is an extraordinarily significant find. Also, among the pottery objects, a kantharos on a foot from grave LT 73 stands out, with two moulded, ribbonshaped handles, decorated with concentric circles motifs, connected with arch made of sequences of small imprints (Fig.2). The finds from graves LT 69-LT 74, situated in the northern part of the cemetery, can be dated to the older stage of LT C2 (Mokronog IIB), i.e. the late third and first half of the second centuries BC, which corresponds to the understanding of burial rites in that part of the cemetery thus far. Since a part of the graves is partially destroyed due to intense soil cultivation, it is necessary to continue excavations at the northern part of the elevation

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