
Novi Čeminac - Ćirina ada, Archaeological Trial Excavations


Probna arheološka istraživanja provedena su na lokalitetu Novi Čeminac-Ćirina ada zbog utvrđivanja vrste i veličine arheološkog nalazišta. Iskopavanjima je utvrđeno kako se radi o ostacima zgrada iz 18. ili 19. st. te da se lokalitet iz latenskog vremena nalazi sjevernije od utvrđenog arheološkog lokaliteta AN 11, na trasi buduće ceste Beli Manastir – Svilaj, dionica Beli Manastir-Osijek.Archaeological trial excavations at the Novi Čeminac-Ćirina ada site (AN 11) were conducted by the Institute of Archaeolog y in September 2008. The Ćirina ada site is located south of the village of Novi Čeminac in Baranja, and it is jeopardized by the planned construction of a motorway between marks 20+400.00 and 20+800.00. The total surface of the site is 32,000 m2. At the Ćirina ada site, most of the structures are on elevated parts of the site, and the highest density of the fill of structures and architectural remains is between marks 20+400 and 20+470 m, and between 20+600 and 20+700 m. These are mostly the remains of brick walls connected with lime mortar, smaller pits and post holes. There were no archaeological artefacts in the humus. A total of 36 modern period structures were identified (19 post holes, 10 walls, 5 pits and 2 channels). Archaeological trial excavations demonstrated that the highest density of modern period structures was between marks 20+400 and 20+470 m, and between 20+600 and 20+700 m. These are probably the remains of a small farm rom the late eighteenth or early nineteenth century

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