
Subadult Stress in the Medieval and Early Modern Populations of Continental Croatia


Svrha rada jest analiza učestalosti i distribucije dva pokazatelja subadultnog stresa (cribrae orbitaliae i hipoplazije zubne cakline), njihove međusobne korelacije i njihova odnosa s pokazateljem nespecifičnih zaraznih bolesti – periostitisom. U radu je analizirano 415 kostura iz kontinentalne Hrvatske, s nalazišta Crkvari, Ivanec, Mala Črešnjevica, Prozorje, Nova Rača, Suhopolje, Tomaš i Torčec, koja se datiraju u srednji i novi vijek (12.-18. st.). U analiziranom uzorku muškarci su živjeli značajno duže od žena (37,2 prema 33,6 godina). Učestalost cribrae orbitaliae u ukupnom uzorku iznosi 37,2%. Djeca pokazuju statistički značajno višu učestalost cribrae orbitaliae od odraslih osoba, a poremećaj je nešto češći kod žena nego kod muškaraca. Odrasle osobe kod kojih je uočena cribra orbitalia u prosjeku žive 6,5 godina kraće od osoba kod kojih ovaj poremećaj nije prisutan. Učestalost hipoplazije zubne cakline u analiziranom uzorku iznosi 44,6%, a nešto viša učestalost zabilježena je kod žena na svim analiziranim zubima. Učestalost nespecifičnog periostitisa iznosi 48,4% s nešto višom učestalošću kod žena u odnosu na muškarce. Značajna pozitivna korelacija između cribrae orbitaliae i nespecifičnog periostitisa prisutna je na razini čitavog uzorka. Znatno kraći životni vijek, viša učestalost cribrae orbitaliae, hipoplazije zubne cakline i periostitisa kod žena sugerira da su žene bile sklonije epizodama biološkog stresa, što može biti posljedica smanjenih zaliha željeza kod žena kao rezultat reproduktivnih funkcija ili lošijeg tretmana djevojčica, posebice tijekom najranijeg djetinjstva (tijekom dojenja). Skeletni uzorak, analiziran u ovom radu, odlikuje se lošim životnim uvjetima i niskim zdravstvenim standardom koji je najvjerojatnije bio posljedica sinergističkog djelovanja anemije izazvane nedostatkom željeza, zaraznih bolesti, neodgovarajuće prehrane i parazitskih infekcija.The purpose of this paper is to analyze the frequency and distribution of two indicators of subadult stress (cribra orbitalia and enamel hypoplasia), their correlation and their relationship with an indicator of non-specific infectious diseases – periostitis. The paper contains an analysis of 415 skeletons from continental Croatia, from the sites of Crkvari, Ivanec, Mala Črešnjevica, Prozorje, Nova Rača, Suhopolje, Tomaš and Torčec, dated to the Middle Ages and the Early Modern period (12th-18th cent.). Males in the analyzed sample lived significantly longer than females (37.2 vs. 33.6 years). The frequency of cribra orbitalia in the total sample is 37.2%. The frequency of cribra orbitalia in subadults is significantly higher than in adults, and females are affected somewhat more frequently than males. Adults that exhibited cribra orbitalia lived 6.5 years shorter on the average than the individuals without this disorder. The frequency of dental enamel hypoplasia in the analyzed sample is 44.6%, with a somewhat higher frequency registered in females on all analyzed teeth. The frequency of non-specific periostitis is 48.4%, with a somewhat higher frequency in females than in males. A significant positive correlation between cribra orbitalia and non-specific periostitis is present at the level of the entire sample. A significantly shorter life span, a higher frequency of cribra orbitalia, enamel hypoplasia and periostitis in females suggests that females were more prone to the episodes of biological stress, which may have been a consequence of diminished stocks of iron in females as a result of their reproductive function or poorer treatment of young girls, particularly during earliest childhood (during breastfeeding). The skeletal sample analyzed in this paper is characterized by poor living conditions and low health standard, which was most likely a consequence of a synergic action of iron deficiency anemia, infectious diseases, inadequate diet and parasitical infections

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