New Polysaccharide Compounds Derived from Submerged Culture of Ganoderma lucidum and Lycium barbarum


Biljka Lycium barbarum i gljiva Ganoderma lucidum sve se više istražuju u Kini zbog njihove antitumorske aktivnosti, pri čemu se drži da su polisaharidi njihovi najvažniji funkcionalni sastojci. U ovom je radu istražen postupak dobivanja novih polisaharida, izoliranih iz sušenih plodova L. barbarum i dobivenih submerznim uzgojem G. lucidum. Podaci pokazuju da novodobiveni fermentirani polisaharidi i smjesa polisaharida u odgovarajućim omjerima i koncentracijama imaju veću sposobnost uklanjanja slobodnih radikala od izvornih polisaharida, te da sadrže slične frakcije. Zaključeno je da novi polisaharidi imaju veću bioaktivnost, a mogu se lakše dobiti fermentacijom.Lycium barbarum and Ganoderma lucidum, highly valued Chinese medicinal fruit and mushroom, have attracted more and more attention because of the antitumour activities they have shown, and polysaccharides are considered their most important functional constituent. Forming new compounds of L. barbarum polysaccharides, isolated from dried L. barbarum fruits, and G. lucidum polysaccharides, derived from a submerged culture of G. lucidum, has been investigated in this paper. Our data illustrate that two polysaccharide compounds, fermented polysaccharides and mixed polysaccharides, at the appropriate ratio and concentration have stronger free radical scavenging ability than the single polysaccharide. Ion exchange chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analyses indicated that the components of the new polysaccharide compounds had changed compared to those of the single polysaccharide. In addition, similar fractions were shared with the two polysaccharide compounds. Hence, the findings demonstrate that these new polysaccharide compounds might have stronger bioactivity than a single polysaccharide and could be obtained more easily by fermentation

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