
Matematički model prijenosa plinova nakon pakiranja plodova u modificiranoj atmosferi


A mathematical model to predict oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapour exchanges in non-perforated and micro-perforated modified atmosphere packaging films has successfully been proposed. The transmission rate of gases was measured for films with thickness of 0.03 and 0.05 mm, perforation diameters of 0.5 and 2.0 mm, and temperatures of 0, 10 and 20 °C. Under most conditions, the increase in temperature and perforation diameter increased the transmission rate of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapour, whereas the increase in film thickness decreased the transmission rate of the various gases. Validation of the proposed modified atmosphere packaging model was found to yield good prediction for gas concentrations and percentage losses in the mass of the produce after comparison with the experimental results of modified atmosphere packaging for tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum).Predložen je matematički model izmjene kisika, ugljičnog dioksida i vodene pare u neperforiranim i mikroperforiranim folijama za pakiranje u modificiranoj atmosferi. Mjerena je brzina prijenosa u filmovima debljine 0,03 i 0,05 mm, promjera rupica 0,5 i 2 mm, pri temperaturama od 0, 10 i 20 °C. Pri višoj temperaturi i većem promjeru rupica povećala se brzina prijenosa kisika, ugljičnog dioksida i vodene pare. U debljim se filmovima smanjila brzina prijenosa plinova. Validacijom se predloženog modela utvrdilo da je dobar za procjenu koncentracije plinova i gubitka mase ploda rajčice (Lycopersicon esculentum) pakirane u modificiranoj atmosferi

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