
Današnje spoznaje o bolestima morskih riba, uzrokovanih virusima, JOS su uvijek nedostatne. Do sada je u riba koje cijeli svoj životni ciklus ili samo jedan njegov dio provedu u morskoj sredini utvrđeno nekoliko virusnih bolesti (limfocistis, virusna nekroza eritrocita, sindrom čiravosti bakalara, encefalitis, virusna hemoragijska septikemija, zarazna hematopoezna nekroza, zarazna nekroza gušterače, chum reovirusna infekcija, branhionefritis, rabdovirusna infekcija jegulja). Neke se od njih u prvome redu pojavljuju u slatkovodnoj fazi razvoja domaćina, ali postoje bilješke da se zaraza nastavlja i u preživjelih primjeraka koji dospiju u morsku sredinu. Kako se povećava broj morskih vrsta riba u kontroliranom uzgoju, tako se uočava i sve veći broj patoloških stanja uzrokovanih virusima, pa je tom području potrebno posvetiti pažnju u budućim istraživanjima.Adequate knowledge on fish diseases caused by viruses is still lacking. Up until now, in fish which live their entire life cycle or part of it in the sea, some viral diseases have been determined (lymphoeytis, viral necrosis of crythrocytes, ciravosti cod syndrome, encephalitis, viral hemoragic septichemistry, viral hematopoetic necrosis, viral gusteraca necrosis, chum renviral infection, branchionephritis, rabdociral eel infection). Some of these diseases primarily occur in the freshwater phase of host development, although recordings exist that the virus is carried on in surving samples which succeed in making it to the sea. As the number of sea fish species increases in controlled culture a increasing number of pathological cases are observed, which is caused by viruses. Therefore, in this area it is necessary to emphasize future investigations

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