Catholic Faculty of Theology in Đakovo. Historical background


Mons. dr. sc. Marin Srakić 2003. godine piše Kongregaciji za katolički odgoj i moli osnivanje Katoličkog bogoslovnog fakulteta (KBF) u Đakovu. Nakon posjeta Rimu biskup Marin piše drugo pismo Kongregaciji i nadopunjuje tražene dokumente. O svojoj namjeri izvješćuje HBK i KBF u Zagrebu te Senat Sveučilišta J. J. Strossmayera u Osijeku. Biskup Marin piše treće pismo Kongregaciji. KBF iz Zagreba i HBK prihvaćaju inicijativu biskupa Marina. U jesen 2004. godine skupljaju se nužni dokumenti. U siječnju 2005. godine biskup Marin piše četvrto pismo Kongregaciji. Kardinal Zenon Grocholewski, pročelnik Kongregacije za katolički odgoj, potpisuje 4. lipnja 2005. godine Dekret o osnivanju KBF-a u Đakovu. Posljednji dokument ovoga procesa je Odluka dijecezanskoga biskupa Marina o početku djelovanja novoga fakulteta.In 2003 Monsignor Dr. Sc. Marin Srakić wrote to the Congregation for Catholic Education, asking for their approval to establish the Faculty of Theology in Đakovo. After his visit to Rome, Bishop Marin wrote another letter, enclosing the requested documents. Having informed the Croatian Bishops’ Conference and Catholic Faculty of Theology in Zagreb as well as the Senate of the University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek about his intentions, bishop Marin wrote his third letter to the Congregation. Both Catholic Faculty and Croatian Bishops’ Conference accepted his initiative. In autumn, 2004 necessary documents were gathered, so the bishop sent his fourth letter to the Congregation in January, 2005. Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski, head of the Congregation, signed the Decree on the establishment of the Catholic Faculty of Theology in Đakovo on June 4th, 2005. The last document issued in this process was the Decree by the diocesan bishop, Marin Srakić, which launched the activities of the Faculty

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