
Pristup optimizaciji strateških performansi


This paper presents a matrix approach to the measuring and optimization of organizational strategic performance. The proposed model is based on the matrix presentation of strategic performance, which follows the theoretical notions of the balanced scorecard (BSC) and strategy map methodologies, initially developed by Kaplan and Norton. Development of a quantitative record of strategic objectives provides an arena for the application of linear programming (LP), which is a mathematical technique for the optimization of linear objective functions. It is believed that the development and mathematical validation of such an algorithm opens new venues for future research in the quantitative approach to strategic management, as well as provides opportunities for the development of decision-making tools related to the optimization of strategic performance.U ovom se radu prezentira matrični pristup mjerenju i optimizaciji strateških performansi organizacije. Predloženi se model temelji na matričnom predstavljanju strateških performansi, koje slijedi teoretske koncepte Kaplanovih i Nortonovih modela balanced scorecard (BSC) i strateških mapa. Razvoj kvantitativnog predstavljanja strateških ciljeva otvara prostor za primjenu linearnog programiranja (LP) – matematičke tehnike za optimizaciju linearnih funkcija cilja. Vjeruje se da bi razvoj i matematička validacija ovakvog algoritma mogla otvoriti novo područje za kvantitativna istraživanja u strateškom menadžmentu, kao i za razvoj alata za potporu odlučivanju u području optimizacije strateških performansi

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