


Istraživanje je provedeno na 146 svinjskih polovica, odabranih prema debljini le!ne slanine na mjestu propisanom za metodu „dvije tocke“ kako opisuje Pravilnik o kakvoci svinjskih trupova i polovica na liniji klanja (NN. br. 119/99). Pri odabiru svinjskih polovica nije bilo stratifikacije prema tjelesnoj masi. Mesnatost svinjskih polovica utvr!ena je na tri nacina: procjenom pomocu instrumentalne metode i metode dvije tocke te utvr!ivanjem primjenom metode disekcije. Disekcija je provedena na nacin kako ga trenutno propisuje legislativa EU, takozvanom EU referentnom metodom. Rezultati su pokazali kako je procijenjeni udio mišicnog tkiva u polovicama svinja bio manji od objektivno utvr!enog udjela mišicnog tkiva EU referentnom metodom disekcije. Statisticki znacajne razlike (p<0,05) utvr!ene su izme!u mesnatosti objektivno utvr!ene disekcijom i mesnatosti procijenjene pomocu metode „Dvije tocke“. Ovo upucuje na potrebu izrade novih korekcijskih faktora u jednadžbi procjene mišicnog tkiva u svinjskim polovicama za navedenu metodu. Istraživanjem je utvr!eno da najveci udio u svinjskim polovicama cini but, slijede ga le!ni dio, plecka i rebarni dio. U cetiri se disecirana dijela polovice najveci udio mišicnog tkiva nalazi u butu, a slijede ga plecka, le!a i rebarni dio. Najveci udio ukupnog masnog tkiva nalazi se u rebarnom dijelu, dok ga je najmanje utvr!eno u butu. Udio kostiju najveci je u le!nom, najmanji u rebarnom dijelu. Tako!er su prikazani detaljni udjeli tkiva iz diseciranih dijelova svinjske polovice u njezinoj ukupnoj masi tako!er je prikazan. Razvrstavanjem svinjskih polovica u trgovacke klase (SEUROP) prema obje metode procjene kao i metodom disekcije utvr!eno je kako metode procjene svrstavaju oko 15% svinjskih polovica u klasu S, dok je EU referentna metoda svrstala u istu kasu cak 27,40% svinjskih polovica. Metoda „dvije tocke“ svrstala je oko 72% polovica u srednje kvalitetne trgovacke klase (E i U), dok je disekcijom utvr!eno da ovim klasama pripada 58% svinjskih polovica. Zakljuceno je kako u Republici Hrvatskoj treba naciniti promjene u formulama kojima se procjenjuje postotak mesa u svinjskim polovicama. Najbolje bi to bilo uciniti koristeci metodologiju propisanu u zemljama EU.This study was performed on 146 pig carcasses, selected on the basis of back fat thickness measured at the position for “Two Points” method as described by the Croatian Regulation on Quality of Pig Carcasses on Slaughterhouse- line (National Gazette, No. 119/99). There was no stratification based on carcass weight. The leanness of pig carcasses was determined in three manners: estimation by the instrumental and “Two Points” method, as well as by applying dissection method. Dissection was performed as prescribed by the current EU legislation, which enforces the so called EU reference method. The results have shown that the estimated share of muscle tissue in pig carcasses was lower than the share of muscle tissue objectively determined by the EU reference method of dissection. Statistically significant differences (p< 0.05) were determined between the leanness objectively determined by dissection and the leanness estimated by the “Two Points” method. This indicates the need for establishing new coefficients in the equation for estimating muscle tissue in pig carcasses for the mentioned method. The study has found that the greatest share of pig carcasses consists of the leg, then loin, shoulder and belly. In four dissected parts of the carcass, the highest share of muscle tissue is in the leg, followed by the shoulder, loin and belly. The highest share of total fat tissue is in the belly, whereas its lowest share is found in the leg. The highest share of bones is in the loin, and the lowest in the belly. Detailed shares of tissue from the dissected parts of pig carcass in its total mass are also shown. The classification of pig carcasses into commercial classes according to SEUROP system by both methods of estimation, as well as by the method of dissection, determined that the evaluation methods classify around 15% of all pig carcasses to S class, whereas the EU reference method classifies as much as 27,40% of pig carcasses into the same class. The method of “Two Points” classified approximately 72% of carcasses to medium- quality commercial classes (E and U), whereas the dissection method determined that 58% of pig carcasses belong to these classes. It has been concluded that the Republic of Croatia needs changes in formulae for estimation of the lean percentage in pig carcasses. The best way to do that would be to use the methodology prescribed in the EU

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