Vrednovanje glutaraldehidnog testa i količine klora u buražnom sadržaju u slučajevima vagusne indigestije (Hoflfl undova sindroma) uzrokovane traumatskim retikuloperitonitisom.


This study is published in order to present the rumen content, amount of chlorine, and the results of glutaraldehyde test in cattle clinically diagnosed with vagal indigestion (Hoflund syndrome) due to reticuloperitonitis traumatica (RPT). The working material included an experimental group, and a control group. The experimental group was made up of 52 cows of different breeds admitted to our clinic for examination and diagnosed with vagal indigestion due to RPT, their ages ranging between 2-14. The control group was made up of 10 cows of different breeds determined to be healthy in clinical examinations, their ages ranging between 2-8. In total, there were 62 cows. After all cattle in the two groups were clinically examined, a minimum of 100 ml of rumen content samples were taken using rumen sounder. Rumen content chlorine levels was determined according to the Schales-schales method. In order to carry out the glutaraldehyde test in the 25 animals in the experimental group and all the animals in the control group, blood with EDTA was taken from the v. jugularis of the animals. As for the clinical parameters of the animals in the experimental group and the control group; the difference between the arithmetic means of body temperature (38.90 ± 0.55 and 38.68 ± 0.15 °C, respectively), heart frequency (85.92 ± 19.88 and 72.00 ± 7.26 item/minute, respectively), and rumen movement (2.75 ± 1.99 and 8.70 ± 0.48 item/ 5 minutes, respectively) was at the significance level of P<0.001, and the difference between the arithmetic means of respiration frequency (29.11 ± 9.94 and 24.80 ± 1.68 item/minute, respectively) was at the significance level of P<0.01. In this study, it was observed that the average value of glutaraldehyde test was (2.44 ± 1.18 minutes) in the experimental group, and it was stated that the difference between the groups was P<0.001 . In conclusion, it is considered that the detection of rumen content chlorine levels, which is the most important parameter in determining abomasal reflux syndrome cases, might be helpful, especially in the diagnosis of functional gastric stenosis, and that the glutaraldehyde test might be useful in detecting back functional stenosis cases due to RPT.Istraživanje je provedeno s ciljem da se odredi sadržaj buraga, količina klora i rezultati glutaraldehidnog testa u goveda s dijagnosticiranom vagusnom indigestijom (Hoflundovim sindromom) uzrokovanim traumatskim retikuloperitonitisom. Istraživanje je provedeno na pokusnoj i kontrolnoj skupini goveda. Pokusna skupina sastojala se od 52 krave u dobi od 2 do 14 godina, različitih pasmina, koje su bile pregledane na klinici, a dijagnosticirana im je vagusna indigestija zbog retikuloperitonitisa. Kontrolna skupina sastojala se od 10 krava različitih pasmina, u dobi od dvije do osam godina, zdravih prilikom kliničke pretrage. Ukupno su obrađene 62 krave. Nakon kliničke pretrage, sondiranjem je uzeto najmanje 10 mL buražnoga sadržaja. Količina klora u buražnom sadržaju određena je po Schales-schales metodi. Za određivanje glutaraldehida u 25 krava pokusne skupine i svih krava kontrolne skupine krv s EDTA bila je uzeta iz jugularne vene. S obzirom na klinički nalaz ustanovljene su razlike između pokusne i kontrolne skupine. Ustanovljena je razlika (P<0,001) u aritmetičkoj sredini tjelesne temperature između pokusne skupine (38,90 ± 0,55 °C) i kontrolne skupine (38,68 °C ± 0,15 °C), frekvenciji bila, koja je za pokusnu skupinu iznosila 85,92 ± 19,88, a za kontrolnu 72,00 ± 7,26 i broju buražnih kontrakcija koji je za pokusnu skupinu iznosio 2,75 ± 1,99, a za kontrolnu 8,70 ± 0,48 u pet minuta. Aritmetička sredina frekvencije disanja za pokusnu skupinu bila je 29,11 ± 9,94, a za kontrolnu skupinu 24,80 ±1,68 u minuti (P<0,01). Prosječna vrijednost glutaraldehidnog testa u pokusnoj skupini iznosila je 2.44 ± 1.18 u minuti. Razlika među skupinama bila je na razini P<0,001. Zaključuje se da dokazivanje količine klora u buražnom sadržaju kao najvažnijega pokazatelja za određivanje sindroma abomazalnog refluksa može biti od posebne koristi za dijagnostiku funkcionalne želučane stenoze. Glutaraldehidni test može biti od koristi za određivanje u slučajevima povratne funkcionalne stenoze zbog traumatskog retikuloperitonitisa

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