Principles of Ethicality in Human Resource Management


Rad obrađuje temu etike u poslovnom okruženju, a usmjeren je na upravljanje ljudskim potencijalima. Podloga za etično ponašanje prema zaposlenicima je briga za odnos između organizacije i zaposlenih temeljen na reciprocitetu. Autori predlažu tri osnovna načela kojima bi se osiguralo etično odnošenje prema zaposlenicima u organizaciji: jasno postavljanje pisanih pravila i očekivanja, transparentno provođenje postavljenih pravila te nepristranost, odnosno jednakost u njihovu provođenju. U daljnjem tekstu autori prolaze kroz osnovne funkcije ljudskih potencijala, navodeći moguća neetična i potrebna etična ponašanja od strane organizacija.This article deals with the topic of ethics in a business environment with a focus on human resource management. The foundation for ethical treatment towards employees can be found in the concern for the relationship between an organization and its employees. This relationship is based on the reciprocity model. The authors of this article propose three basic principles that could provide ethical treatment of employees in an organization. Suggested principles are: clear, written policies and expectations, transparent execution of those policies and expectations, impartiality, that is equality in the implementation of rules. Through the rest of the paper authors outline the basic functions of human resource management listing possible unethical behaviours and stressing ethical behaviours performed by an organization

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