Global methods approach in deciphering the role of TFF2 proteins in organism


Tijekom posljednjih petnaestak godina za istraživanje uloge različiti h proteina i mehanizama nastanka bolesti primjenjuju se sistemski pristupi i analize kojima se istovremeno prate globalne promjene razine ekspresije velikog broja gena i/ili proteina. Imajući na umu složene interakcije na razini stanica i činjenicu kako je većina bolesti multi faktorijalnog podrijetla, takav sistemski pristup najbolji je način stjecanja uvida u funkciju nekog proteina i/ili mehanizme nastanka bolesti . Proteini “Trefoil Factor Family” ili proteini TFF (TFF1,TFF2, TFF3) otkriveni su prije više od 25 godina, te je ubrzo postalo jasno kako je njihova uloga u organizmu iznimno kompleksna. Tek je sistemski pristup istraživanju analize uloge proteina TFF2 razjasnio njegovu ulogu u organizmu pokazujući vezu s imunološkim sustavom.In the last fi ft een years a systemic approach has been widely implemented in the investi gati on of diff erent proteins’ functi on as well as to elucidate the mechanisms underlying disease development. Simultaneous monitoring of global changes through gene expression studies combined with protein patt ern analyses represents the best way to unveil the functi on of some proteins and/or pathogenesis mechanisms for various disease especially when knowing that multi ple interacti on patt erns are present inside the cells and that causes of diseases are oft en multi factorial. Trefoil factor family proteins (TFFs) have been discovered more than 25 years ago. It has soon become clear that their role in biological systems is multi factorial and quite complex. A systemic approach to their analyses brought out the role of TFF2 involvement in the processes relevant for the immune system

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