Implementation of Brooks and Corey Correlation in Water Wet Case -With Immobile Wetting Phase


Brooks i Corey1 razvili su korelaciju za procjenu kapilarnog tlaka za procese dreniranja koja koristi koncept efektivnog zasićenja za generiranje podataka. Ovo efektivno zasićenje u korelaciji, izračunato je primarno na osnovu promjene u zasićenju faze vlaženja, može se prilično učinkovito koristiti za odgovarajuće svrhe. Međutim, postoje slučajevi u kojima zasićenje močive faze ostaje konstantno kroz cijeli proces istiskivanja. Za takve slučaje načinjena je modifikacija radi boljega prikaza i korištenja korelacije Brooksa i Coreya za procjenu kapilarnog tlaka. Ova modifikacija rezultira boljim analizama, koje pak omogućuju bolje upravljanje i nadgledanje ležišta.Brooks and Corey1 developed a correlation to estimate the capillary pressure for drainage processes, which utilizes the concept of effective saturation to generate data. This effective saturation in the correlation is calculated, primarily based on the change in wetting phase saturation and can be used quite effectively for the respective purposes. However, there are cases, in which the wetting phase saturation remains constant throughout the displacement process. For such cases, a modification has been made for better representation and to use Brooks and Corey correlation for capillary pressure estimation under such cases. This modification will result into better analysis, which will result into better reservoir monitoring and surveillance

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