Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Zagreb
Sakramenti inicijacije prizivaju instituciju koja je u okolnostima suvremenog razvoja, globalizacije, u svom izvornom obliku nestala, no ne i njezina psihološka, sociološka i kulturološka važnost zbog podrške u procesu razvoja i odrastanja mlade osobe, u prijelaznoj krizi iz djetinje dobi k pripadnosti odraslima. Implicitna potreba za inicijacijom, sada odvojena od izvornog konteksta, traži alternativne forme ovoj instituciji, što nerijetko rezultira nadomjestkom. U globalnom kontekstu valja promišljati specifičnost sakramenata kršćanske inicijacije u dogmatskom, liturgijskom, eklezijalnom i pastoralnom smislu, svjesni da će oni - ali samo kao kolateralni efekt - moći osobi pružiti sociološke, kulturne i psihološke blagodati. Zbog svoje temeljne karakteristike - da je ona zajednica vjere - Crkva posjeduje sposobnost promovirati dimenziju pripadnosti: u prepoznavanju i odgajanju potrebe, prihvaćanju izazova formiranja u odraslu i integralnu osobnost, kao odgovorna i zauzeta člana zajednice Crkve.
Kontekstualno samorazumijevanje Crkve i pastoral sakramenata treba imati u vidu nove okolnosti u shvaćanju religioznosti, a razvoj hrvatskog društva pokazuje neke specifičnosti u odnosu na opći trend.The article starts from the fact that the sacraments of initiation evokes an already extinct institution which contemporary man requires just as equally yet without finding adequate support in society, seeks for a substitute in the follow-up effect to the sacraments: psychological, social and cultural. In the first chapter the author questions the significance of that ancient institution. In the second chapter he points out some factors that contributed to its extinction, particularly during the era of globalisation. In the third chapter, he turns to the situation in the Church in specific circumstances including the domestic situation in an effort to create a platform for a more correct perception in sequence to plan pastoral activities. The fourth chapter points out some directions for action keeping in mind the dimension of belonging. He considers that dealing with the sacraments of initiation is like a barometer of crisis in the identity of the young person in society who no longer recognises the institution of initiation - or rather, being introduced to the adult world and finding their own place in it (belonging to society), so that crisis in dealing with the sacraments indicates a crisis in identity. While religious life finds its form in children and mature adults, pastoral attempts are not able to find adequate religious offers to attract the young and the middle-aged to deal with their needs and (selficomprehension (belonging to the Church). The Church has become an old man for young people and the young have become strangers to the Church. The marginalisation of Christian content in culture and society also affect the personal perception of the significance of faith. Not being familiar with it, an alternative offer melts down its monolithic institutions creating a space for private (»humanistic«) believing. The crisis of the presence of Christian culture becomes a crisis of the culture of Christians. Seeing that there is need for religious content in everyday life, an alternative to alternative and electronic offers is available to members of Christian culture in the wealthy heritage of its own tradition offering authentic forms to contemporary man who once again adopt one\u27s own Christian culture and religious heritage. The Church needs to be a support on the path to maturity and integral personality through comprehending and distinguishing the needs of society, personal needs and the contents of the sacraments where in fact, the religious dimension helps with integrating the personality