Oral Mucosa Status of Patients Undergoing Orthodontic Treatment


Svrha istraživanja bila je ispitati koliko je česta upala sluznice tijekom ortodontske terapije s obzirom na stupanj higijene i vrstu ortodontske naprave. Ispitanici i postupci: Sudjelovalo je 110 djece u dobi od 6 do 18 godina - 60 je imalo fiksne ili mobilne ortodontske naprave, a u kontrolnoj skupini bilo ih je 50 tek upućenih na ortodontsko liječenje. Primjenom verificiranih kliničkih testova svima je bio određen stupanj oralne higijene, stupanj upale gingive i intezitet upale sluznice. Rezultati: Učestalost i intezitet upale gingive bio je obrnuto proporcionalan stupnju oralne higijene (p<0,05). Lošiju oralnu higijenu imali su ispitanici u kontrolnoj skupini. Jače upalne promjene bile su uočene samo kod malobrojnih nositelja fiksnih ortodontskih naprava. Nije bila dokazana statistički znatna povezanost između upale sluznice i vrste ortodontske naprave. Zaključak: Rezultati pokazuju da nositelji ortodontskih naprava imaju bolju oralnu higijenu i rjeđe upaljenu sluznicu negoli oni u kontrolnoj skupini.Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the impact of oral hygiene and the type of orthodontic appliance on oral mucosa in orthodontic patients. Methods: The study included 110 children, aged between 6-18 years (60 subjects were wearers of fixed and removable orthodontic appliances and 50 subjects were control group who had just been referred to orthodontic treatment). A degree of oral hygiene, dental status, and periodontal status as well as the intensity of inflammation of oral mucosa was recorded in all subjects by using verified clinical tests. Results: The frequency and intensity of inflammation were reversely proportional to oral hygiene degree (p<0.05). The controls had poorer oral hygiene findings. Only a small number of fixed orthodontic appliance wearers had inflammatory changes of higher intensity (5%). A significant correlation between oral mucosa inflammation and type of orthodontic appliance was not found. Conclusion: Orthodontic appliance wearers had better oral hygiene and less frequent inflammatory changes than controls

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