
U radu je kratko prikazan pregled trideset godina istraživanja i kontroliranog uzgoja školjkaša u bočatim vodama ušća rijeke Krke. Poseban je naglasak stavljen na prostorne planove Šibensko–kninske županije i Grada Šibenika. U prikazu stanja uzgoja školjkaša potkraj godine 2007. navedeni su uzgojne površine i broj koncesionara, struktura uzgajivača, proizvodnja i potencijalne mogućnosti uzgoja školjkaša, otpremni centri i infrastruktura uzgajališta te stanje na tržištu. Istaknuti su problemi koji sputavaju razvoj akvakulture u ušću rijeke Krke, aktivnosti koje je potrebno provesti prije ulaska u EU i mogući scenariji budućeg razvoja uzgoja školjkaša.In this paper is presented a brief survey of thirty years investigations and controlled shellfish farming in brackish waters of the Krka river estuary. Special emphasis was placed on physical planning of the Šibenik–Knin county and the town of Šibenik. The presentation of shellfish farming status at the end of the year 2007 provides the survey of shellfish farming area and the number of concessionaires, the structure of farmers, production and potential for shellfish farming, dispatch centres and shellfish farm infrastructure as well as market conditions. Problems were highlighted that restrained the development of aquaculture in the Krka river estuary along with the activities necessary to be performed before entering the European Union, providing potential scenarios of shellfish farming in the future

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